Chinese Media: US Meddling Affairs People

Spoiler To complete destruction:

BEIJING - Chinese state media, Xinhua, released a statement worded criticism against the Government of United States (US). Media was calling the United States meddling other people's business.

Media criticism of the Chinese government related to the US stance in the South China Sea dispute. So far, China is involved maritime disputes with several Asian countries on recognition of the South China Sea region. "America the Kibitzer," the Xinhua report title main meaning 'American meddling other people's business. "The news was reported by Xinhua on Saturday (03/21/2015).

China has claimed virtually all of the South China Sea region. But recognition was resisted Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan. From a number of countries opposing the Chinese claim, part of which is a US ally.

"Uncle Sam has been a long time (known) in a gripping and flexing strength, but there are more that have not changed: meddlesome people's business," Xinhua said. Chinese media reports that following the statement of the US Seventh Fleet commander, Admiral Robert Thomas. He has called for military ASEAN countries to patrol the South China Sea region. He also urged no problem handling reclaimed island China is doing in the area of ​​dispute.

"If the lead in organizing the ASEAN members (strength) throughout the region, believe the US Seventh Fleet would be ready to support," said Thomas, as reported by Bloomberg this week.


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