Forms Of Chinese-Russian Alliance, Beijing Calls For New World Order

BEIJING - China welcomes the formation of an alliance with Russia against NATO. The Alliance was formed amid the policy of the United States (US) and Europe are increasingly threatening the existence of China.

Speaking at the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for unity with the Russian military. This alliance will make NATO powerless and put an end to the Western imperialist desires.

"The world is on the verge of radical change. We look at how the European Union is gradually collapsed as the US economy and it is for a new world order," said the Chinese president in a speech by Western analysts called the speech a spirit burner as reported from Sputnik, Sunday (14 / 8/2016).

"There will never like this before, in 10 years we will have a new world order in which the key is unity of China and Russia," he said in a campaign to build support among his countrymen.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has long welcomed the development of military relations and broader economic cooperation with China referring to the so-called all-embracing term and strategic partnerships. Amid an international society resistance against Beijing after the decision of the South China Sea and the placement of THAAD anti-missile system in South Korea (ROK), Russia continue to provide support to China to engage in a joint military exercise in the Pacific.


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