Hail Was Reported Occurred In Surabaya And Sidoarjo

News Portals: 22:56 WIB Hail / Photo by Courtesy

Surabaya, Indonesia - Hail was reported in some areas in some parts of Surabaya and Sidoarjo. Rain water droplets condense it did not last long. The hail along with the rain which flushed this afternoon.

"Last heard a noise on the roof. At first I did not care. But when it came out, I was curious. I tengadahkan hand, may hail," said Andi, Pandegiling Street residents told AFP on Thursday (01/12/2017).

Similar statement also said Anon, Kebraon citizens. Anon said, initially the rain was falling along with strong winds. 20 Minutes later heard a noise on the roof of his house. "I think there are small children who pelted the asbestos roof of my house," said Anon.

But when Anon out, he found that there are grains of ice outside the home. Anon had to take and capture the grains of ice. "Grains of a marble," said Anon.

Hail been reported in the region Wiyung. Residents in Sidoarjo, precisely in Taman-Along claimed to hear the sound of objects falling on the roof when it rains. "I think people really sound stoned house klotak compote. Pas my mama out and see, there are small ice fall," said Kartika told AFP.

It also expressed Mayang (39), a resident Kletek-Sidoarjo. The roof of his house also sound stoned. "Want to pick the child can not because kejebak rain, was fitted see pages that lots of ice falling small size," added the woman nicknamed Rita.


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