Cao de Benos: North Korea Can Destroy The World With Only 3 Nuclear Bombs

News Portals: Sunday, April, 23, 2017 - 01:29 pm Alejandro Cao de Benos, 43, the only Western man to be North Korea's unofficial envoy. He warned that Pyongyang could destroy the world enough with three nuclear bombs. (Photos / The Independent)

WWIII - TARRAGONA, Alejandro Cao de Benos, 43, a Spaniard who was a special North Korean delegate warned that Kim Jong-un's regime could destroy the whole world with just three nuclear bombs. The man from Tarragona was the only Westerner who became Pyongyang's unofficial special envoy.

Cao de Benos became a special delegate of honor for the DRPK (North Korea) Cultural Relations Committee with Foreign countries.

The dangerous warning he conveyed in an interview with Spanish media, Infobae , on 20 April. The man who spends his time in Pyongyang and his hometown of Tarragona, Spain, describes the closed communist state as a utopia.

"People have a fundamental right to be safe with dignity. They live in a very peaceful way, no social conflict, we (North Korea) do not have people sleeping in the street. This is another way of life, where we all work in a cooperative movement, "he said.

But when asked about Pyongyang's military threat, his rhetoric becomes much more aggressive. "Nothing will touch Korea (North)," he said. "If touched, people (North Korea) will defend it with weapons and missiles. We have thermonuclear bombs. With three of them the world is over, "he explained.

Cao de Benos who is a political activist is listed as the first Western citizen who was granted citizenship status by North Korea. He rejected allegations that Kim Jong-un's regime committed human rights abuses. Such accusations, he says, are only fictional propaganda from Britain and the United States.

According to him, the forced labor camp in North Korea is exclusive only for criminals found guilty after a fair trial.

"If they are found guilty, they are not imprisoned for carrying drugs or learning how to become Pablo Escobar," he said, referring to the famous Colombian drug lord.

"In Korea (North) there is a forced labor camp where criminals choose to distribute rice for people or make furniture for home, which is sent to the community," he added.

Claim Cao de Benos on the severity of North Korea's nuclear weapons is difficult to verify, because the Pyongyang regime is closely related to its weapons program. However, Kim Jong-un's regime continues to spell out the threat of a nuclear strike against the United States and its allies if Pyongyang is attacked.


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