Indonesia Asked To Be Alert To The Outbreak Of World War III

WW3 - The Indonesian government is asked to be aware of the potential for World War III. In recent times the intensity of visits by a number of world leaders has increased, according to Jimly Asshiddiqie, Chairman of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI), that the visit is related to the potential for World War III. 

"This reminds all of our nation's citizens that we are currently under threat of a third world war. "Greater depression from the depression of the 1930s which was between World War I and World War II," Jimly said in an online discussion titled: After Suga and Pompeo Come. 

He explained, as quoted from, some of which were the visits of the United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. According to Jimly, currently there are still many people who think that there will be no third world war. However, he warned that there were symptoms that could not be underestimated."The possibility of war still exists. 

Because if there is no war now, the Western economy is threatened. The new rulers of the world will appear, namely China. Therefore, we have to go to war now, "said Jimly. "So we still need to anticipate the possibility of this war. Moreover, the battlefield was not in an area near America. But in the South China Sea, "he continued. 

At the same time, said Jimly, conflict eruptions in a number of countries have occurred. He gave an example, the Sabah conflict between Malaysia and the Philippines, then the war between Armenenia and Azerbaijan, the conflict between India and China. 

"So we shouldn't take it lightly. Meanwhile, the world sees Indonesia as strategic. So all these powers are up for grabs on how to influence Indonesia, "continued Jimly. 

"This is our chance to prove the uprightness of our foreign policy, non-aligned, active and free. Determine and play a role in world peace. Meanwhile, we still prioritize the interests of the people, ”said this expert on constitutional law.


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